Rio De Janeiro is the Carnaval capital of the world with all its fantastic party parades and wild parties. There really is no place like this place and I guarantee that when you leave all you will think about is when next you can return. You should aim to go during the main “Carnaval”, which is effectively a two week party mixed with drinking, dancing – particularly the samba, and general merry making. Apart from the famous Carnaval, the next most recognised feature of the city has to be the Christ, The Redeemer statute that overlooks the city. Originally you had to walk up all the thousands of steps to reach the statue but now they have installed elevators and escalators for the less physically inclined. And the last part, and the other reason we went, is the multitude of fantastic beaches. These range from quality surf beaches to flat family friendly beaches. Be careful though as there are still associations about what type of people visit a certain beach. Whether it’s the Gay beach (near Farme de Amoedo street in Ipanema) or the tourist beach of Copacabana, you need to find out information about where you intend to visit before setting off.
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